Sophie Hunger: - ‘She Makes President’ - new music video out now! New Studio Album ‘Molecules’ Released 31st August
Today Sophie Hunger announces her brand new studio album ‘Molecules’ released on 31st August on Caroline International.
‘She Makes President’, the album’s first offering, was written before the US presidential election, with Hunger having listened to a radio programme that declared that the female voters would wield the deciding vote on Election Day owing to their greater numbers and likelihood of voting. “I wrote that song trying to portrait this future female identity and then Trump got elected,” she says, still audibly stunned. “Knowing that women had it in their hands not to elect Trump, but they proved to be yet again unreliable when it came to standing up for their own rights.”
Sophie Hunger has long been synonymous with a minimalist folk-jazz hybrid that put her in step
with fellow travellers like Laura Marling and Feist. But having recently made the move to Berlin, she
discovered electronic music, became a frequent visitor to the Berghain club on Sunday nights
and developed an interest in modular synths, for which Berlin is a mecca. The songs she
wrote in her home studio (which were later recorded with producer Dan Carey in South
London) do her proud.
‘Molecules’ is Hunger’s first full album in English, and is what she describes as “minimal electronic folk”. Her most compelling qualities – an ingenue-like delicacy and contrasting
solitary darkness - haven’t changed. Familiar trickles of funfair weirdness still permeate the
music, calling to mind Beth Orton and Regina Spektor. Moreover, she’s still enigmatic and
self-possessed to the point where it feels too intrusive to ask certain questions.
Molecules bears witness to her defiance and intellectual credibility in a post-truth age of ignorance. Female (and male) pop fans in search of a nuanced, intelligent role model could do worse than to keep an eye on her.
SophieHunger "The Rules Of Fire"
Dear ladies and gentlemen
6 years ago I played my first show at a small bar in a small city of a small country:Switzerland. 6 years later, after having played hundreds of international shows & overcoming thousands of kilometres the demand for a live recording and some documentary insight was rising. Well, here you are!
The Film: A 60 minutes live documentary accompanying the Sophie Hunger Band on their tour throughout Europe in 2013.
The Music: A Live Album featuring her current repertoire & an album with B-Sides from the past. Amongst others: a rehearsal version of Avec le Temps, a letter to Madonna or a forgotten tune from one of her first radio appearances in 2007 called Nüt.
The Book: An exclusive interview with Sophie Hunger and exclusive pictures stretching all the way back to the very beginnings.
Die Rules of Fire sind: Ein 60 minütiger Dokumentarfilm vom Französischen Regisseuren Jeremiah, 23 Liveaufnahmen (darunter drei bisher unveröffentlichte Songs) und ein 48 Seiten starkes Buch mit exklusiven Bildern und Interviews. Der Release trägt seinen Namen in Anlehnung an die Regeln des Feuers - Hunger's 10 Gebote.