Too Tangled
“Stay Restless”
VÖ: 14.03.2014
Mit “Stay Restless” veröffentlich das belgische Indie-Rock Duo Too Tangled am 14. März sein drittes Studioalbum.
Warum die Wahl ausgerechnet auf diesen Albumtitel fiel, wird mit einem Blick auf die vergangenen Tourdaten schnell klar - 83 Shows in 14 Monaten! Für manch einer scheint das Tourleben ermüdend zu sein, für Eva Buytaert und Roeland Vandemoortele ist es inspirierend!
Im August letzten Jahres fingen Too Tangled an die Bruchstücke, die auf der Tour geschrieben wurden, zu sammeln um damit an neuen Songs zu arbeiten. Während vier rauer Monate nahmen sie das neue Material sehr intuitiv und ohne Stopps auf und fuhren im Dezember schliesslich nach Oxford, um zusammen mit ihrem Partner Ian Davenport dem Album den letzten Feinschliff zu geben. Als Resultat halten wir nun das absolut erfrischende „Stay Restless“ in den Händen. Wie erwartet gibt es wenig sanfte Töne zu hören, dafür aber kantige, ehrliche, zarte Rohheit. Es ist fast wie ein Film ohne feststehende Bilder, eine Sammlung teils autobiografischer Fragmente, teils von Eindrücken spontaner Stimmungen und Umgebungen, aber immer in sich stimmig und hervorragend gelungen.
TOO TANGLED are an indie-electro-rock duo hailing from Ghent, Belgium.
Their new album ‘Where the echoes die’ is about to be released in Benelux (April 2013)
Roeland Vandemoortele (Vox, Guitar, Drumbeats) and Eva Buytaert (Vox, Violin, Keys) formed Too Tangled four years ago, and have since released their debut album ‘The Magic Got Killed’ (2010) to very encouraging reviews. Where they made their first album in a relational hurricane, their new album is driven on the highs and lows of a reunion, about the pains and the gains of living with or without eachother.
Their 2nd album, sustained by an interesting mix of a ‘jam and bread diet’ and Roeland participating in medical trial experiments for cash to fund the recordings, was produced by Ian Davenport (whose credits include Radiohead, Band of Skulls & Supergrass).
TOO TANGLED recorded the album in a big old building which used to be a boxing club in Ghent, where they captured echoes. With these recordings they traveled to Ian’s studio, a small village just outside Oxford, UK, where they did overdubs & mixing.
“Working together with Ian was a great journey, he added a great deal to our sound. We worked late hours and ended the night session with some nostalgic 60’s records.”
In September 2012 they had the chance to release the record in Germany/ Austria/ Switzerland via Popup Records (distributed by Cargo). They did some intensive touring there the last 6 months. Their singles have been picked up by many Campus-radio’s aswell as some of the big stations. As such they’ve been invited on radio Eins in Berlin; Klaus Fiehe, ‘the German John Peel’, picked up the album in his exclusive leading radio-show on Einslive; it also got airplay on FluxFM, DRS Virus…. The Eastern neighbours describe their music as sexy, catchy and subtile agressive. Parallels get drawn with bands such as The Velvet Underground, Black Rebel Motor Cycle Club, John Spencer Blues Explosion, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Kills, Nancy Sinatra; and they get praised for their ‘own fresh sound’.
When Belgian duo Too Tangled enters the stage, the room turns into an aural battlefield. There is a tension between Roeland Vandemoortele and Eva Buytaert that transforms their music into a turmoil of sex and lust and hate and love and anger and every other great feeling.’ C-heads Magazine (live review Vienna) ‘Belgian duo Too Tangled are one of our new discoveries. The male-female pairing drop